In this fun course you will learn and build upon your piano or keyboard playing skills. You will also learn how to entertain an audience irrespective of the medium or the stage. The instructors have several years of experience and can tailor the course according to your current skill level and learning speed.
WEEK 1 Intro into playing
In this section you will learn about the correct posture, finger numbers, hand position and the various elements of the keyboard.
WEEK 2 Counting
In this secton you will learn counting whole notes, half notes, quater notes and 8th notes.
WEEK 3 Learning the Grand Staff
In this section your will learn about melodic intervals, note names and the lines they are represented on and time signatures.
WEEK 4 Flats and Sharps
In this section you will explore the keyboard further and learn about flats and sharps.
WEEK 5 Scales and Chords
In this section you will learn about the major scale and the primary chords in the major scale.
WEEK 6 Dynamic Signs
In this section you will learn how to read and represent dynamic signs such as slurs, ties, , Legato and staccato in sheet music.
WEEK 7 Engaging with an audience
As you get comfortable with the keyboard and playing songs, your performer instructor will introduce you to the basics of performing in front of an audience. Here you will learn how to engage with an audience, be it online or live in person. You will learn how to enjoy playing the keyboard while your audience connects with you and your performance.
WEEK 8 Wrapping up and Planning for Future
During this week you will record a performance that you and your instructor have chosen. You can invite upto 10 friends, family members to view your performance. This performance will be recorded and made available to you to keep and share. This session will also be a good opportunity for you to plan your journey ahead as a performer and future sessions with your instructor.